Name a region with several CpGs based on its genomic location
dataframe with columns for Probe IDs as character (cpg), chromosome number as character (chr), and genomic location as integer (pos)
genome location of the CpGs formatted as "chrxx:xxxxxx-xxxxxx"
# Consider four probe IDs:
CpGs_char <- c("cg04677227", "cg07146435", "cg11632906", "cg20214853")
# After querying these four probes against an EPIC array via the
# OrderCpGsByLocation() function, we get the following data frame:
CpGsOrdered_df <- data.frame(
chr = c("chr10", "chr10", "chr10", "chr10"),
pos = c(100028236L, 100028320L, 100028468L, 100028499L),
cpg = c("cg20214853", "cg04677227", "cg11632906", "cg07146435"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# Now, we can name the region that contains these four probes:
#> [1] "chr10:100028236-100028499"