Extract clusters of CpG probes located closely
Name of the RDS file where the output genomic regions will be saved.
GRanges of input genomic regions
Human genome of reference: hg19 or hg38
Type of array: "450k" or "EPIC"
Whether strand can be ignored, default is TRUE
an integer, genomic locations within maxGap from each other are placed into the same cluster
an integer, minimum number of CpGs for each resulting region
Dots for internal arguments. Currently unused.
Nothing. Instead, file with the genomic regions containing CpGs located closely within each inputting pre-defined genomic region will be written to the disk
For maxGap
= 200 and minCpGs
= 3, we have already
calculated the clusters of CpGs. They are saved in folder
regions <- GenomicRanges::GRanges(
seqnames = c("chr4", "chr6", "chr16", "chr16", "chr22", "chr19"),
ranges = c(
"174202697-174203520", "28226203-28227482", "89572934-89574634",
"67232460-67234167", "38244199-38245362", "39402823-39403373"
# Uncomment out the example code below:
# WriteCloseByAllRegions(
# regions = regions,
# arrayType = "EPIC",
# maxGap = 50,
# minCpGs = 3,
# fileName = "closeByRegions.rds"
# )